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Bodily Conditions Rooted in Hormone Imbalance
(excerpted from The Female Hormone Journey:
Lifetime Care of Your Hormones

by Pam Levin, R.N.)

See Printable Version

Check this list for all conditions that apply to you. The total possible score is 209. Count the number of symptoms you check. The higher your score, the more likely you need to address hormone imbalances. Find out how in The Female Hormone Journey: Lifetime Care of Your Hormones.

abdominal pain
aging process accelerated
allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion
anovulatory (no ovulation)
anxious depression
appetite loss
asthma-like breathing
autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis, thyroiditis and possibly Sjoegren’s disease
bags under the eyes
bladder infections
bleeding changes
bloating of abdomen
blood cholesterol and/or triglyceridelevels abnormal
blood clotting increased, thus increasing risk of strokes
blood hemoglobin low (anemia)
blood pressure increased or high
blood pressure low, which may fall further when standing, causing dizziness or fainting
blood sugar high
blood sugar low
blood sugar, unable to balance
blood thyroid hormone levels high
body temperature low, feeling cold
bone fragility
bone lesions
bone loss
breast cancer
breast tenderness
breasts fibrocystic
breasts gradually shrinking
breasts painful and/or lumpy
breasts sore, swollen
calcium stones in the urinary tract, and sometimes in the kidney
cervical dysplasia
chest pain or shortness of breath due to decreased coronary blood flow
cholesterol increased
chronic aches and pains including backache and arthritis
chronic bruising
chronic fatigue
cold hands and feet
concentration poor
craving salty foods due to salt loss
dark circles under the eyes
decreased libido (sex drive)
deepening voice
depression with anxiety
depression with lethargy
difficulty recuperating from stresses like colds or jet lag
dry eyes
dry skin
emotional intensity
endometrial polyps
eyes bulging
feeling “crazy”
feeling impatient or bossy
fine facial wrinkles due to low skin collagen and weakening
of fine face muscles
foggy thinking
food and salt cravings
gallbladder disease
gallbladder problems
glucose intolerance
hair brittle
hair coarse
hair growth on female face or body
hair loss
headaches cyclical
headaches on arising but wear off
headaches, migraine
hearing impaired
heart palpitations
heat intolerant
heavy bleeding
hot flashes and/or night sweats
hunger with anxiety, trembling and sweating
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
immune function lowered
inability to focus
initiative reduced
irritable depression
irritable, quick to anger
joint pain
lack of libido
libido problems
loss of confidence
loss of drive
loss of motivation
loss of stamina
loss of strength
loss of vim and vigor
low serum calcium
lung disorders
menarche delayed
mental sluggishness
memory lapses
memory failing
menstrual cycle irregular
menstrual cycle long
menstrual cycle short
menstrual pain
menstrual periods stopped
menstruation, early onset
menstruation, excess
metabolic rate increased
metabolism sluggish
migraine headaches
mind and body placid, feeling “lazy”
minor bleeding
miscarriage early in pregnancy
mood swings
muscle building difficult
muscle mass and strength loss
muscle pain
muscular strength diminished
muscular weakness
nails brittle
nails have dark lines
nails ridged
night sweats
numbness and tingling especially around the mouth
ovaries cystic
over activity
painful intercourse
panic attacks
passing clots during period
periods irregular
periods stopped
poor muscular tone
poor sleep
premature aging
premenopausal bone loss
problems with memory and speech
puffiness and bloating
pulse fast at rest or over 120
pulse slow, esp. below 60 beats per minute
recurrent infections
red flush on face or sides of neck
round face
salt craving
sensitivity to cold
sensitivity to heat
serum phosphorus high
severe muscle cramps, especially at night
sex drive diminished
sex drive increased
shortness of breath (due to decreased coronary artery flow)
skin becoming darker, especially on scars, skin folds and pressure points such as on elbows, knees, etc.
skin developing fine wrinkles
skin forming brown spots
skin dry and cold
skin folds beneath the eyes and jaw
skin losing elasticity, becoming saggy
sleepy during the day
sleep patterns disturbed
spontaneous muscle contractions, especially in the hands and feet, face, eyes, tongue and larynx
stiffness and numbness
sugar tolerance decreased
sugar tolerance increased
sugar in urine
sweating increased
swollen fingers and ankles
symptoms worsen when under stress
teeth defects
tendency to startle easily
thinning skin
tongue thick, voice guttural
tremors or trembling inwardly
twitching of eyelids and face
unable to focus
upper body obesity
urinary output increased
urination frequent, especially at night
uterine cancer
uterine fibroids
vaginal dryness
vaginal irritation
vaginal lubrication decreased
vulvar disorders, increased risk of those such as lichen
water retention
___  weight gain, especially in hips
weight gain, especially around your abdomen, hips, and thighs
weight gain, unexplained or rapid
weight loss difficult
weight loss, usually with increased appetite

See Printable Version

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Again, welcome!
Pamela Levin

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